▪米粉 600克
▪生香菇、黑木耳 100克
▪素料、豆干 100克
▪南瓜 500克
▪芹菜 少許
▪醬油、白胡椒粉 少許
▪鹽、味精 2小匙
▪糖 2大匙
1.生香菇、黑木耳、素料、豆干, 洗淨後切條狀。
6.打開鍋蓋放入芹菜珠拌勻,若湯汁已收乾則可關火,蓋上鍋蓋悶5分鐘; 若湯汁未收乾,則蓋上鍋蓋,煮至快收乾後關火,悶5分鐘後打開鍋蓋。
1.糖的量必須放夠, 否則南瓜吃起來會澀。
2.倒入鍋中的燒開的水量不能太多, 否則米粉會太濕。
3.湯汁收乾時, 鍋蓋絕對不能馬上開, 要至少悶個5分鐘。
👩🍳本食譜提供:澎湖 #觀音山蔬食館 主廚 明赫
📖Golden yellow pumpkins have a unique melon and fruit aroma, a dense and rich taste, and high in antioxidant. This springy and soft rice noodles with abundant ingredients definitely makes a healthy and perfect dish. Quickly follow the chef of Guanyinshan. Let’s cook vegetarian dishes together!
🥣 Cooking Steps:
【Cutting/PRE AHEAD】
1. Shred shiitake mushrooms, black fungus, vegetarian materials, and dried bean curd after washing.
2. Grate the pumpkin into thick stripes, not too thin, otherwise it will become pumpkin puree easily while cooking.
3. Dice the celery stalk finely.
4. Soak the rice noodles in water & drain after they turn soft.
【Cooking instructions】
1. Preheat the pan, and pour right amount of oil to fully sautee all the ingredients.
2. On another stove, prepare a pot of boiled water for later use.
3. Add shiitake mushrooms, black fungus, vegetarian ingredients, dried bean curd to a wok, and stir fry until the surface is slightly crispy.
4. Add pumpkin and stir fry until well-done; season to taste (3 tsp salt, 2 tsp gourmet powder) and stir-fry. Pour boiling water into the wok, and then add 2 large spoon of sugar and a little soy sauce. (The amount of the water is slightly lower than the height of the ingredients.)
5. Add the soften rice noodles; mix well with the ingredients and then add a little white pepper. Try if there’s enough seasonings. Cover the wok and turn to low heat for simmering until the broth gets thick.
6. Open the lid and add the fine chopped celery and mix well. If the broth has dried up at the right consistency, turn off the heat and cover the pot for 5 minutes; if not, cover the pot and extend cooking time until it is almost dry. Turn off the heat and open the lid 5 minutes after.
7. Dish up and the pumpkin rice noodles is complete!
【Special Notes】
1. The amount of sugar must be enough, otherwise the pumpkin will taste astringent
2. The amount of boiled water poured into the wok should not be too much, otherwise the rice noodles will be too wet & too soft.
3. When the broth is dry, cover the wok to keep the heat in for at least 5 minutes for melding the flavors.
4. Vegetarian ingredients can be varied according to personal preference.
👩🍳This recipe is provided by Chef Ming He, Penghu #Guanyinshan Green Restaurant.
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