▪️毛豆 約1碗飯
▪️方型豆干 8塊
▪️紅黃彩椒 各1顆
▪️薑末、香菇粉 少許
▪️素蠔油 適量
👩🍳本食譜提供:台中 觀音山蔬食館 主廚 樂熹
🌱觀音山 素食料理簡單做🌱
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📖 Edamame is known as the “meat of plants”. It is rich in protein and dietary fiber. When cooked with red and yellow bell peppers and diced dried tofu, it’s a delicious and nutritious homemade dish! Quickly follow the chef of Guanyinshan, let’s cook simple vegetarian dishes together!
🥣Ingredients : (For 4 people)
▪About a bowl of rice of Edamame
▪Eight pieces of Dried tofu
▪A Red bell pepper , A Yellow bell pepper
▪Minced ginger、Shiitake mushroom powder , a little
▪Vegetarian mushroom soy sauce , adequate amount
🥣Cooking steps:
1. Dice dried tofu & wash edamame; wash and dice red & yellow bell peppers. Blanch each ingredient separately.
2. Preheat the pan with oil. Saute minced ginger; add dried tofu to stir fry, and then red & yellow bell pepper and edamame fry evenly.
3. Add shiitake mushroom powder and vegetarian oyster sauce to fry until fragrant.
👩🍳This recipe is provided by Chef Le Xi, Taichung Guanyinshan Green Restaurant
👑 歡迎轉載,請註明出處: 觀音山 素食料理簡單做 GYSVegan 素食環保愛地球,健康營養無負擔,慈悲護生一起來~🥰